Sunday, August 15, 2010

August Camping

We are home from our weekend camping trip. Wow, what an adventure! We left Friday afternoon and headed to our favorite camp grounds of old. Things change a lot when you don't visit in 12 years. The 2 DDs and 1 DD BF, and DH and I braved the heat to spend the weekend camping and to take our canoe on the maiden voyage. Now, at this point, all of my friends begin laughing. Yes, I know I may look like an indoor girl, and truth be told I do prefer camping at the nearest Hotel with room service. However, I do enjoy the camping experience. The roaring camp fire, the beautiful scenery, the airconditioned camper.....Oh Wait! We had tents and air matresses and a good fan! Ok, my condition of camping.....NO PRIMITIVE SITES. I only camp at sites with running water, bathrooms, and ELECTRICITY. Yes, it was hot, and I drank gallons of water, however, there was pleasure in being with the family, waking up to see hubby bringing me campfire coffee. My only responsibility.....keep the campfire going. I took my Cross Stitch, and managed to put in a couple of stitches on Saturday morning while the air was still slightly cooler and the fan was blowing on me and only me in my screened in tent room. (see photos in the gallery). After breakfast Hubby and I were alone, as the kids went out on the canoe, and hubby was doing the dishes, when out of nowhere we were attached by elite ninja squirrels. Well, one really with exception ninja skills. Greg gave him a cookie, now you know what they say, you give a squirrel a cookie, then he wants the whole bag. This did seem to encourage him to repeatedly come into the campsite and sneak away with food from the ground, although I did catch him inside our bag of Carolina BBQ Lays potato chips. Apparently, not only do ninja squirrels like cookies, but they also like chips! You can see the elite ninja squirrel pictured above, as he hung upside down on the tree, eating his vanilla sandwhich cookie.

I did find that I had some quiet time to myself to do some amateur photography, and ponder the questions of the universe such as "Do squirrels poop?" They do indeed as the YouTube video showed me. Yes, I did ask this question as I walked on the forest floor in flip flops and I wondered how do I know I'm not stepping in poop? I then was distracted by something shiny, and beautiful.....a black and blue butterfly. Can you say Photo OP? So after 20 minutes of tracking the butterfly, I finally got some lovely photos.